Our Team
Our Team

Our Founders

Helpful Hearts is a division of The Duran Group L.L.C., which has been a leader in professional services for 24 years. The Founders of Helpful Hearts, Anna and Tony Duran, recognized that many of the caregiver agencies and freelance caregivers were lacking the ability to provide, reliable, compassionate and affordable services.

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Anna Duran

Helpful Hearts Chief Heart Officer (CHO), Anna Duran, comes from a large family and she raised four children in the community of La Mirada, CA. Over the past several years, Anna has played a supportive role as a caregiver for her 95 year old grandmother, in addition to being an active business owner and leader in the community for over two decades.

Tony Duran

Helpful Hearts Chief Marketing Heart (CMH), Tony Duran, has been a leader in the Sports Marketing Field – assisting with the launch of over 40 start-up companies into successful businesses as a professional Marketing and Sales Consultant. As a former athlete who has combined his passion into a business lifestyle, Tony’s vision of developing a caregiver agency with superior services and more caring people has led to the launch of Helpful Hearts and the expansion ahead.

Two Decades of Professional Services

With over two decades of practical experience in managing a nationwide team of professionals in the sports related markets, The Duran Group expanded into the caregiver services market with the goal of being a leader in this expanding industry. Finding special people is at the core of building an effective Team, and the Helpful Hearts founders have hired and managed hundreds of employees and agents for the past 24 years.

Caregiver Profile


A caregiver character defines what an individual will do when no one is looking, and we have over two decades of experience in hiring, training and managing people with high personal value and character. Extensive background checks, security screening and personality profiling are part of the Helpful Hearts process of finding special people with high levels of character.


An individual’s heart is at the core of caring for others, and this factor is what drives the Helpful Hearts way. We seek compassionate and caring people for our Team, looking beyond superficial elements to find the special qualities which meet our standards.


Finding professional and experienced individuals, along with providing continual training has created one of the most talented Teams in caregiver services. This requires Helpful Hearts to pay higher wages than most caregiver agencies, and we also invest in ongoing training to keep our Team updated on the best practices in
our chosen field.

Giving is a Way of Life

Anna and Tony Duran’s caring personalities and warm hearts have created a foundation for the Helpful Hearts way, and we personally screen each caregiver extensively to ensure that every Team Member shares in caregiving with a heart.